
Anglia named in global top 50 distributors list

Anglia Components has been placed at #32 on the Global Top 50 Electronics Distributor list for 2024 by Supply Chain Connect.

This ranking evaluates distributors based on their annual global revenue. Notably, this marks Anglia’s debut on the global list, distinguishing it as the only privately owned UK distributor to secure a spot in the Top 50.

Steve Rawlins, CEO at Anglia commented: “This is a great acknowledgement and a reflection of the commitment and expertise demonstrated by our loyal and knowledgeable staff in all areas of the business. We are also indebted to our manufacturing partners, our agreements with them ensure that we have the ability to design-in the latest technologies and hold inventory in depth, which are key contributors to Anglia’s success over the last 50+ years.”

Anglia is continuously pushing the envelope in various facets of its operations. Significant progress has been made towards establishing Anglia as a sustainable trading entity. This includes the introduction of innovative packaging solutions that minimise waste and are both reusable and recyclable, alongside implementing smart building techniques and eco-friendly transport policies. Additionally, the Anglia Live EU initiative, launched in response to requests from both suppliers and customers, aims to support European clients while also reducing the environmental impact by cutting down on component air miles. The Anglia Live eCommerce platform, now accessible to EU customers as well as those in the UK, ensures that orders placed by 17:00 (CET) Monday to Thursday and 12:30 (CET) on Friday are dispatched the same day, with duty-paid delivery to EU customers within one to two days.

“Anglia does not stand still,” added Rawlins. “We believe that by delivering excellent service to customers and suppliers alike, and by treating our people well and listening to them, Anglia is fulfilling a vital part in the electronic components supply chain, and we feel that this listing in the Supply Chain Connect top 50 vindicates our approach.”

    • 7 months ago

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