Quality Assurance Sourcing Strategies

Improving reputation management through an effective procurement strategy

By Olivier Berrouiguet, CEO at Synertrade Reputation management is crucial for long-term success, enabling companies to improve credibility, market value and stakeholder relationships. A strong reputation can take years to create and can significantly transform public perception. However, a business’s reputation can also be negatively impacted instantly. This can prove costly and reversing the damage

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Quality Assurance

Strategies to combat counterfeit electronics

Since the dawn of commerce, thieves have existed alongside it. In the electronics industry, counterfeiters are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Supply chain professionals must step up their efforts to counteract these bad actors. Without a change in approach, the situation will not improve. Gary Beckstedt, VP of Quality and Warehouse Operations, Flip Electronics further discusses. Historically, counterfeit

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Quality Assurance

Combating the risk of semiconductor counterfeits

Counterfeit semiconductors pose an ever-present threat to the safety and reliability of electronic equipment, especially during times of allocation or scarcity of discontinued parts. Sourcing components through unauthorised independent channels for faster deliveries or lower prices introduces the risk of counterfeits. This can potentially damage customers’ end-equipment, threaten the safety of end-users, and endanger the

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Quality Assurance

E-book now available: counteracting counterfeiting in the electronics supply chain

Counterfeit electronic components are one of the leading threats to the integrity of the electronics supply chain. A rigorous approach to sourcing and due diligence once parts arrive can help keep fraudulent components out of finished goods. So can staying abreast of counterfeiters’ latest tools of the trade. To help electronics companies and their customers

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