Supply Chain Management

The impact of globalisation on the electronic supply chain and its recent decline

Globalisation has bore the fruit of much of the modern era, but with tensions rising, how will its decline impact the electronic supply chain? Globalisation has significantly shaped the electronic supply chain over the past few decades. By enabling the seamless movement of goods, services, and capital across international borders, globalisation facilitated the creation of

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Supply Chain Management

The Real Impact of War on Global Supply Chains

There are obvious supply-chain impacts from war. Shortages, escalating prices, and the flow of goods are common short and long-term examples. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the more recent bloodshed between Hamas and Israel are certainly exhibiting the supply-chain impact mentioned. Still, there are more subtle effects as well. The Russia/Ukraine War

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Supply Chain Management

How Higher Freight Impacts Procurement Challenges

Many supply chain elements take a toll on procurement professionals, and the increase in freight charges accounts for a myriad of woes. Here’s a look at a few of those woes, including the impact of higher costs, timing as it applies to what’s happened to Just-in-Time delivery and the ongoing delivery delays, how freight challenges

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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chains Are Healing, But…

So, yes, there is evidence that supply chains are healing. However, although the worst may be over, most goods transported under contracts cost more. Inflation has wreaked havoc on many segments of the chain. Shipping container cost, for example, from Asia to the US West coast, is up more than 15x, while short-term prices for

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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Health—2023

There’s an inherent disconnect when discussing “health” when systemic crisis is the new norm. In 2022 supply chain woes were rampant–from port blockage, rising inflation, slowing demand, the war in Ukraine, COVID lockdowns, elevated inventory, hurricanes, and even MIA employees. Although there were improvements in some of these issues, disruptions to supply chain operations will

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Supply Chain Management

Can We Really Offset High Materials Costs?

The primary elements that make up a finished product are direct raw materials. They can be any mined materials, like minerals, metals, crude oil, coal, etc. There are also indirect raw materials – anything that supplements the making of finished products from direct materials. The challenges represented by accessing these materials promptly and at a

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Industry Insights

The Logistics of a New E.V. Infrastructure

It’s an understatement to say there’s a global push for electric vehicles. While numbers are increasing, there are still underlying concerns regarding the availability of an E.V. infrastructure—including charging capabilities. We have several options when setting up charging opportunities, and from a logistics point of view, the globe is working in overdrive to provide sufficient

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Supply Chain Management

How to Nail Procurement Efficiency

Okay, we all know that there are levels of efficiency and that if you have inefficiencies going on now, things won’t be fixed overnight. Efficiency requires process streamlining, documentation, optimization, naturally automation—and also just getting a real grasp on your current status. Being honest about what you need to improve and how you stack up

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Supply Chain Management

Stop Messing Up Your Supply Chain! Avoid These Three Common Errors

Although there are many ways you can mess up your supply chain, here are three areas that, when sufficient attention is paid, will put you in a much better position. It is amazing that these items are not yet adopted universally. Not Using Available Data We’ve been inundated, virtually crushed, by the sheer amount of

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Supply Chain Management

When Supply Chains Go Wrong

Supply chains should be resilient. The reality, however, is that many can be sent into a dangerous tailspin at the slightest provocation. A tailspin that can be difficult to recover. We’ve seen examples of both resilience and tailspins throughout history, caused by natural disasters, wars, trade policies and politics, pandemics, and even former late-night TV

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