Industry Insights

What Happened To Wyoming’s Lithium?

A ticker-tape parade was the only thing missing when lithium deposits were discovered in southwest Wyoming near Rock Springs in 2013. At the time, there was one working lithium mine in the US; unfortunately, that’s still true. Demand for lithium was high then and has skyrocketed to meet its use in rechargeable and EV batteries.

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A Look at China’s IC Expansion

China is expanding its IC capabilities at all costs, and the “game” is playing out internationally. The stakes are high for all involved, especially China and the U.S. Addressing what it views as a significant threat, the U.S. government established export control regulations specifically aimed at China’s artificial intelligence (AI) and semiconductor industries on October

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Supply Chain Management

The Real Impact of War on Global Supply Chains

There are obvious supply-chain impacts from war. Shortages, escalating prices, and the flow of goods are common short and long-term examples. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the more recent bloodshed between Hamas and Israel are certainly exhibiting the supply-chain impact mentioned. Still, there are more subtle effects as well. The Russia/Ukraine War

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Supply Chain Management

The Simultaneous Existence of EV and ICE Supply Chains

There’s an unprecedented supply chain transformation happening in the automotive industry. On the electric vehicle side (EVs), experts estimate that manufacturers will spend more than $1.2 trillion through 2030, creating millions of electric vehicles. However, the existing supply chain for internal combustion engines (ICE) still won’t disappear. There are two separate supply chains, and while

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Supply Chain Management

When Supply Chains Go Wrong

Supply chains should be resilient. The reality, however, is that many can be sent into a dangerous tailspin at the slightest provocation. A tailspin that can be difficult to recover. We’ve seen examples of both resilience and tailspins throughout history, caused by natural disasters, wars, trade policies and politics, pandemics, and even former late-night TV

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Supply Chain Management

5 Ways to Make Your Supply Chain More Resilient in 2021

The world we live in today is very different from what it was a year ago. We’ve been forced to find new ways to safely work and interact with other people and within our environments. Many companies have had to alter the way they do business to remain effective and still be safe. When it

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Industry Insights

6 Types of Manufacturing Processes and Where We’re Headed with Them

As supply chains become increasingly complex, with components sourced globally regardless of where manufacturing takes place, the manufacturing processes used to create goods have developed a variety of permutations and combinations as well. Until recently, there were five primary manufacturing processes. But the growth of 3D printing increasingly impacts manufacturing and can be considered not

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Industry Insights

Creating a Competitive Edge with Emerging Technologies: Q&A with Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing

The non-profit Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) launched in 2017. Its goal is to accelerate the adoption of new technologies and ensure the U.S. workforce has the skills required to work with emerging technologies. On September 4, 2019, ARM became one of the anchor tenants at Carnegie Mellon University’s innovation hub Mill 19 at Hazelwood

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