Sourcing Strategies

Top tips for managing supplier relationships

Effective supplier relationship management is crucial for electronics procurement professionals. Building strong partnerships with suppliers can lead to better quality products, reduced costs, and a more resilient supply chain. Here, Procurement Pro offers some top tips for managing supplier relationships in the electronics industry. Establish clear communication channels Clear and consistent communication is the cornerstone

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Quality Assurance Sourcing Strategies

Improving reputation management through an effective procurement strategy

By Olivier Berrouiguet, CEO at Synertrade Reputation management is crucial for long-term success, enabling companies to improve credibility, market value and stakeholder relationships. A strong reputation can take years to create and can significantly transform public perception. However, a business’s reputation can also be negatively impacted instantly. This can prove costly and reversing the damage

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Sourcing Strategies

ERP systems, complexity, and RIRO

Author: Adam Fletcher, Chairman of the Electronic Components Supply Network (ecsn) Many column inches have been written over the past few years relating to supply and demand imbalance in the global electronic components supply network as the global market transitions from ‘Starvation’, through ‘Headache’ to where we are in Q1’24, the ‘Indigestion’ phase, as inventory

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Regulation Sourcing Strategies Supply Chain Management

Powering through sanctions: how to ensures stability in difficult supply chains

In recent weeks, the USA has intensified its stance against Russia. Numerous organisations, individuals, and companies, including Mornsun, a provider of power supply solutions and DC/DC converters, are now subject to strict US sanctions. Sebastian Fischer, Co-CEO of the Traco Power Group answers questions on the impact of these sanctions. What impact could these measures

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Sourcing Strategies Sustainability

Component sourcing the ‘green’ way

Laws covering the reduction of waste, such as the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2012/19/EU) and the UK’s Right-to-Repair Law introduced in 2021, are aimed at preventing the creation of WEEE; and the re-use and repair of end-equipment. In the past, surplus components were scrapped rather than allowing them to re-enter the

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Sourcing Strategies

5 tips for navigating discontinuations in semiconductor memory

Author: Marco Mezger, President of MEMPHIS Electronic Recent reports indicate that the global supply chains have hit their ‘Goldilocks zone’, meaning perfect, stable market conditions. This is the first time in over four years during which we have seen wild swings between shortage and oversupply. Purchasers might be enticed to lean back and relax. And

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Sourcing Strategies Supply Chain Management

Strengthening OEM supply chains: role of second sourcing strategies

Author: Axel Klein, Senior Manager, Semiconductor Product Marketing, Toshiba Electronics Europe  In the fast-paced field of electronic component procurement, supply chain disruptions such as natural disasters disrupting production and unexpected product discontinuations represent a major threat to OEMs. This article explores the advantages of implementing a second-sourcing procurement strategy to mitigate these risks. It offers

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Sourcing Strategies

People, process, & technology: building resiliency with strategic procurement in 2024

Author: Margaret Cunha, Senior Director, Supply Chain Solutions, DigiKey Throughout 2023, the supply chain continued to experience many of the challenges that have defined the past several pandemic years, including extremely high demand paired with production challenges and high costs. Through all of this, procurement professionals have been hard at work to ensure that their

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Sourcing Strategies

The Value of Preparation in Advance of Procurement Negotiation

We all likely know how to achieve best practices in negotiations. You want to come to the best possible solution for both sides—win/win, and you already know your goals and timeline, you’re familiar with the contract you want, and you know how to play well in any situation. That, unfortunately, isn’t enough. Let’s look back

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Sourcing Strategies

The Not-too-Distant Future of Procurement

Procurement is fast rising as a critical guardian and first line of risk defense. Based on the challenges of the past few years, procurement is set to play an even more significant role in tackling and solving critical business problems rather than just managing and optimizing processes. What does that mean to your organization? You

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