
Tariffs & restrictions: the U.S.-China trade war heats up

Many of us have heard over the past year or so of the trade war between the U.S. & China, with both parties looking to become independent of one another, so what’s happening currently? New waves of tariffs and restrictions have warmed things up recently as both parties tighten their grips at a crucial time

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Supply Chain Management

A Look Back: Supply Chain Reflections

As we embark on 2020, let’s pause and reflect on what we learned last year. Looking at 2019 from a 50,000’ level, the year saw an unprecedented supply chain transformation. Security, outsourcing, garnering greater intelligence via AI, and the explosion of IoT impacted the supply-chain landscape, even while the U.S./China tariff game inserted confusion. Blockchain

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Supply Chain Management

Will 5G Mean Greater Supply Chain Risk?

The beefing up of security for the 5G products supply chain has sparked an investigation by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). Spurred by concerns over such companies as ZTE and Huawei spying on U.S. telecommunications networks, ATIS seems to be one of several entities taking on the task. Last year, for example, President

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Supply Chain Management

Electronics Industry Resilience Will Lead to a Re-Designed Supply Chain

Things are not as bad as they seem, and the entire industry is bending to conform to its new realities, gushing with resilience. We discuss some trending, and pressing, topics in electronics, supply chain, and procurement with Michael Knight, President of the TTI Semiconductor Group and Senior Vice President of Corporate Business Development.

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Supply Chain Management

How Tariffs are Sparking Some Supply Chain Creativity

Back in May, the United States agreed to raise tariff rates, from 10% to 25%, on $200 billion of goods imported from China. Companies across the U.S. have had to assess their options and re-strategize supply chains in order to avoid the tariffs and other uncertainties that come along with this type of move. For many

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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Risk—Trump, Tariffs and Trade

Under the Trump administration, tariffs and trade wars are highlighting a more protectionist trade philosophy, geographical supply risks and wide-spread political risks. Mitigating risk in the current trade climate involves identifying alternative supply sources, creating a mission-critical supply chain contingency plan, maintaining a constant eye to potential political changes and posessing a willingness to step

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The Impact of U.S. Import Tariffs on the Availability of Electronic Components

By Grace Alexander The mid-2018 announcement that increased tariffs would be instituted on a range of imported materials from China sent instant shock waves through the United States’ manufacturing markets. The tariff increases, cumulatively amounting to a 25% hike, disproportionately affected markets which utilize electronic components. An initial 10% tariff was implemented by October 1,

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