
A Look at China’s IC Expansion

China is expanding its IC capabilities at all costs, and the “game” is playing out internationally. The stakes are high for all involved, especially China and the U.S. Addressing what it views as a significant threat, the U.S. government established export control regulations specifically aimed at China’s artificial intelligence (AI) and semiconductor industries on October

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Supply Chain Management

5 Positive Signs of Stability in the Electronics Supply Chain

Doom, gloom, weather, war, and pandemics. Supply chain instability is the new norm. However, it’s important to recognize signs that not all is terrible, hopeless, or unpredictable. Here are five supply chain bits of better news. Of course, you might have to read it fast…things could change. #1 Electronic Components Find Stability Although we may

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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Health—2023

There’s an inherent disconnect when discussing “health” when systemic crisis is the new norm. In 2022 supply chain woes were rampant–from port blockage, rising inflation, slowing demand, the war in Ukraine, COVID lockdowns, elevated inventory, hurricanes, and even MIA employees. Although there were improvements in some of these issues, disruptions to supply chain operations will

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Industry Insights

The Logistics of a New E.V. Infrastructure

It’s an understatement to say there’s a global push for electric vehicles. While numbers are increasing, there are still underlying concerns regarding the availability of an E.V. infrastructure—including charging capabilities. We have several options when setting up charging opportunities, and from a logistics point of view, the globe is working in overdrive to provide sufficient

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Industry Insights

Elon Musk and the Three Little Pigs Preview Neuralink

Amidst much anticipation, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk presented a live demonstration of NeuraLink technology.  Neuralink launched in 2016 with the goal of creating implantable brain-machine interfaces. Such technology could ultimately help humans obtain symbiosis with Artificial Intelligence (AI) but, could have many practical applications even before it reaches that level. Neuralink implants, theoretically,

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Sourcing Strategies

5G and its Positive Impact on Supply Chains

Recently, we discussed the downsides to 5G in supply chains, but let’s now explore its potential positive impacts. Supply chains are experiencing a lot of technology-based changes over the past few years and the roll-out of 5G promises to deliver multiple benefits to an industry in waiting. Expectations are that robotics, drones and IoT usage

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Industry Insights

5 Things You Absolutely Need to Know About the Modern-Day Procurement Professional

If you were under the impression that procurement was merely about purchasing “things” and negotiation contracts, you were incredibly wrong. The procurement professional plays a critical and instrumental role in a company’s success. There are many misconceptions like this about the entire procurement process: from procurement 4.0 to modern slavery to cybersecurity. We had the

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