
Sourcing Strategies Sustainability

Component sourcing the ‘green’ way

Laws covering the reduction of waste, such as the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2012/19/EU) and the UK’s Right-to-Repair Law introduced in 2021, are aimed at preventing the creation of WEEE; and the re-use and repair of end-equipment. In the past, surplus components were scrapped rather than allowing them to re-enter the

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How managing excess inventory contributes to your ESG goals

About 90% of S&P500 companies have environmental, social, and governance (ESG) programmes in place, publishing reports annually to shareholders and the general public. These reports outline the progress of their initiatives in these three areas. What do electronic components companies report on the most as part of their ESG initiatives? For the ‘S’, manufacturers generally

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Anglia adds new Environmental resource hub

Anglia Components announces the launch of a new environmental resource hub on its UK and European eCommerce platform. The hub aims to centralise environmental information for each of its supply partners, reducing the time buyers and compliance engineers spend on compliance documentation when analysing supply chains for corporate environmental impact and ethical status. For each

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How green is your distribution partner? 

Author: Steve Rawlins, CEO, Anglia Components  According to a 2023 study by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), 86.5% adults in Great Britain report having made at least some changes to their lifestyle to help tackle environmental issues. Companies and organisations, too, are now much more aware of the importance of sustainability, not only to

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Ethical Considerations in Procurement: Nurturing Transparency, Fairness, and Social Responsibility

Procurement is crucial for any organization, encompassing acquiring goods and services to support business operations. However, this seemingly routine process can significantly impact a company’s reputation, sustainability, and overall success. Ensuring ethical procurement practices is paramount, as it fosters stakeholder trust, safeguards against potential conflicts of interest, promotes fair treatment of suppliers, and upholds corporate

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It’s Not Easy Buying Green

In electronics, being green is well-defined, although the definition continues to expand. Green electronics takes into consideration the materials used in the production of electric devices. For electronics to be sustainable they should be toxic chemical free, use recyclable parts, and be produced with a low carbon-emission footprint. Making devices is one thing, buying green

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Ethical Sourcing for Electronic Components

By Poornima Apte The increasing focus on solutions to climate change is presenting us with an ethically challenging dichotomy: the green technology products that are being pressed into service often need to be manufactured with rare earth elements. These embrace yttrium and the 15 lanthanide elements including lanthanum, ytterbium and lutetium. At the same time,

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How Millennials’ Views On Sustainability Are Shaping The Supply Chain

By: Beatriz Alegría According to Nielsen, 2018 was the year of the green consumer. The supply chain of the future will create a seamless path from idea to completion in an affordable, efficient, fast, and sustainable way. At least that is what Millennials are demanding. This segment of the population, which according to Nielsen, encompasses

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Where does Sustainability Fit into the Supply Chain?

By Grace Alexander Sustainability in the supply chain is more than waste reduction and reducing the carbon footprint, it’s about a lateral shift in vision and providing the incentive for partners along each arm of the process to also commit to change. Without a broad approach to sustainability, intermittent participation by parts of supply chains

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