
A Look at China’s IC Expansion

China is expanding its IC capabilities at all costs, and the “game” is playing out internationally. The stakes are high for all involved, especially China and the U.S. Addressing what it views as a significant threat, the U.S. government established export control regulations specifically aimed at China’s artificial intelligence (AI) and semiconductor industries on October

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Supply Chain Management

Can We Really Offset High Materials Costs?

The primary elements that make up a finished product are direct raw materials. They can be any mined materials, like minerals, metals, crude oil, coal, etc. There are also indirect raw materials – anything that supplements the making of finished products from direct materials. The challenges represented by accessing these materials promptly and at a

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China Tech Ban May Include Quantum Computing and AI—Will China Care?

Okay, so it’s still early in the discussion phase. Still, it looks like the US is trying to expand the restrictions on semiconductors to include other emerging technologies, such as quantum computing and artificial intelligence. The goal is to stifle China’s military and surveillance capabilities. This information is based so far on unnamed sources. The

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Industry Insights

Elon Musk and the Three Little Pigs Preview Neuralink

Amidst much anticipation, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk presented a live demonstration of NeuraLink technology.  Neuralink launched in 2016 with the goal of creating implantable brain-machine interfaces. Such technology could ultimately help humans obtain symbiosis with Artificial Intelligence (AI) but, could have many practical applications even before it reaches that level. Neuralink implants, theoretically,

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