Market Analysis

Chip stocks plummet amidst US-China tensions

Chip stocks worldwide have slumped due to fears surrounding the global computer chip industry. The sell-off followed reports that the Biden administration may further tighten restrictions on exports of semiconductor equipment to China. Comments by former US President Donald Trump, suggesting that Taiwan should fund its own defence, added to these concerns. In the US,

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Tariffs & restrictions: the U.S.-China trade war heats up

Many of us have heard over the past year or so of the trade war between the U.S. & China, with both parties looking to become independent of one another, so what’s happening currently? New waves of tariffs and restrictions have warmed things up recently as both parties tighten their grips at a crucial time

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Supply Chain Management

Continued Pressure on Automotive Supply Chains

According to a recent Reuters article, Global supply chain stress at 18-month low in July, NY Fed’s index at its lowest level since January 2021. However, that is not across the board. A major exception is the automotive industry supply chain. There are few industries as complex as automotive regarding supply chains. Normal supply and

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