Supply Chain Management

Semiconductor Shortage the New Normal?

The automotive industry has faced significant challenges due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on semiconductor chip availability, causing widespread disruptions across the sector and the global economy. However, as we approach mid-2023, the situation has stabilized, and the auto industry has adjusted to a new normal. While the shortage of semiconductor chips that

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Supply Chain Management

When Supply Chains Go Wrong

Supply chains should be resilient. The reality, however, is that many can be sent into a dangerous tailspin at the slightest provocation. A tailspin that can be difficult to recover. We’ve seen examples of both resilience and tailspins throughout history, caused by natural disasters, wars, trade policies and politics, pandemics, and even former late-night TV

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Supply Chain Management

5 Ways to Make Your Supply Chain More Resilient in 2021

The world we live in today is very different from what it was a year ago. We’ve been forced to find new ways to safely work and interact with other people and within our environments. Many companies have had to alter the way they do business to remain effective and still be safe. When it

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