Supply Chain Management

How Higher Freight Impacts Procurement Challenges

Many supply chain elements take a toll on procurement professionals, and the increase in freight charges accounts for a myriad of woes. Here’s a look at a few of those woes, including the impact of higher costs, timing as it applies to what’s happened to Just-in-Time delivery and the ongoing delivery delays, how freight challenges

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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chains Are Healing, But…

So, yes, there is evidence that supply chains are healing. However, although the worst may be over, most goods transported under contracts cost more. Inflation has wreaked havoc on many segments of the chain. Shipping container cost, for example, from Asia to the US West coast, is up more than 15x, while short-term prices for

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Supply Chain Management

Continued Pressure on Automotive Supply Chains

According to a recent Reuters article, Global supply chain stress at 18-month low in July, NY Fed’s index at its lowest level since January 2021. However, that is not across the board. A major exception is the automotive industry supply chain. There are few industries as complex as automotive regarding supply chains. Normal supply and

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